texx00 / sandypi

The ultimate controller for sand tables
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[BUG] Software is always updating automatically #65

Open texx00 opened 2 years ago

texx00 commented 2 years ago

With the introduction of Docker (#64) as the official installation method, also Watchtower was introduced to update the software to the latest version available automatically. With this tool, the updates options inside Sandypi has been changed and now it is possible only to enable/disable the automatic updates.

The problem is that with the current stable version of the Watchtower image (containrrr/watchtower:latest) there is a bug for wich the automatic updates cannot be stopped from within the container itself. This has been fixed in the :latest-dev tagged version which should be merged into the :latest soon.

This issue is open to let know the users about this problem. Probably and hopefully, the new image will be merged before a new release of Sandypi is available and the problem will remain hidden.

texx00 commented 2 years ago

The new version of watchtower has been released. Should check if the control over automatic updates work now