tezedge / tezedge-client

Tezos Client/Wallet written in Rust.
MIT License
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documentation: where to find list of all cli commands? #4

Open jdsika opened 2 years ago

jdsika commented 2 years ago

Hi team,

I wanted to start to play around with the client and realiszed that there is no documentation for it. Using -h just shows me:

cli 0.1.0

    tezedge-client <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    delegate                 Delegate balance to baker
    help                     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    transfer                 Create a transaction
    unsafe-delegate-local    Delegate balance to baker using local wallet
    unsafe-transfer-local    Create a transaction using local wallet

The readme e.g. alread mentions the --endpoint command which is not part of the section above. I am missing commands known from the tezos-client like e.g. "bootstrapped". My expectation would be a section like here corresponding to the information of the --help section.

Best regards Carlo

binier commented 2 years ago

Hi Carlo,

Main help just shows general flags and commands. In order to view more details for a specific command, do: tezedge-client transfer --help.

Only supported commands are listed there, so the bootstrapped command is not implemented.

Also note that tezedge-client-s goal is not to be compatible with tezos-client and --endpoint flag is there for commands that need to interact with the api, like transfer and delegate.

jdsika commented 2 years ago


Thanks for the answer. If you are a normal validator you need to implement the following features that I basically use:

That is the basic set were I say: alright I drop tezos-client