Akin to ActivityPub replies or comments on items (but not the same as) garnishes are user provided additions to a list item.
When enabled (on a per-list basis), garnishes can further highlight, comment, critique or verify/authenticate list items, even from users who may not be listowners or authorized contributors.
A garnish might be a comment, a critique, and indicator of validity, "freshness" etc.
Base item garnishes are provided inheriently like "submitted by", verified by. These garnishes are extensions on that:
most recently verified by
"<user provided name/tag/id> says: this got changed a month ago"
freshness/link checked/still valid as of by
Garnishes can be user/anonymous provided, or garnishes can accept 3rd party or OAuth credentials or garnishes could be from listowner configured background tasks. Like for list item types that are URIs, have something go and check every link every x days.
Akin to ActivityPub replies or comments on items (but not the same as) garnishes are user provided additions to a list item. When enabled (on a per-list basis), garnishes can further highlight, comment, critique or verify/authenticate list items, even from users who may not be listowners or authorized contributors.
A garnish might be a comment, a critique, and indicator of validity, "freshness" etc. Base item garnishes are provided inheriently like "submitted by", verified by. These garnishes are extensions on that:
Garnishes can be user/anonymous provided, or garnishes can accept 3rd party or OAuth credentials or garnishes could be from listowner configured background tasks. Like for list item types that are URIs, have something go and check every link every x days.
Item garnishes garnishes: