[x] [calling source file] in DBg.d strips to just file (as intended) in Windows but not in linux
[ ] bookmark widget at right side of item names should give an indication or hover text to indicate it has copied the bookmark
[ ] js to linkify item names but it replaces the innerhtml so it trashes the img 4 bookmark widet
[ ] bookmark widget should (css) be at the right of the containing div pls
[ ] creating an item with no tags values creates one empty tag that appears as a narrow height tag div
[ ] new/update toggle in edit item not respected (i.e. if set to new, when you submit an item it should clear the form to create a new one, not switch to update mode (where the toggle state doesn't show anyway)
[ ] on restart the html pages are cleaned but not regenerated, not for all lists at least.
[ ] moving an item triggers a page rebuild on the backend then reloads it in browser. Change that: instead of regen, it simply hides the row if the backend call succeeds (if it failed, don't hide the row but show the error).
[ ] add button and method to "delete this item" from the edit item page itself.
[ ] fix the RSS content. Links are wrong, content isn't being written right.
[x] display item counts on index page
[ ] modify edit item page so list is a modifiable dropdown of OTHER lists u can move item to. Back remains to previous list however.