tezos-commons / baseDAO

BaseDAO - a generic smart contract framework for DAOs on Tezos
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Temporarily revert `LEVEL` changes #284

Closed pasqu4le closed 3 years ago

pasqu4le commented 3 years ago

Clarification and motivation

In #273 we switched the contract from timestamp-based to LEVEL/ block-based.

This change however is a complication for applications using BaseDAO, as they need to adapt to this change in logic and types.

On the other hand, there are other changes, especially the FA2 removal of #262 which are easy to adapt to and bring a bigger advantage, in the form of a much smaller contract.

This was merged after the LEVEL change, so there was never a point in which the contract had no FA2 and was using timestamps at the same time.

For this reason we want to make such a version now.

Acceptance criteria

Two PRs need to be opened for this issue:

  1. which reverts the contract to a time-based logic, but keeps all the other changes
  2. which reverts the first PR and goes back to level-based logic once again