tezos-contrib / gitcoin-bounties

All the gitcoin tezos submissions live here
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

NFT floor price perps #5

Open Jantinine opened 2 years ago

Jantinine commented 2 years ago

A floor price perpetual future is a synthetic asset tracking the price of the cheapest NFT of a collection, which users can mint by locking up low-value NFTs.

We'd like to see an implementation of floor price perps on Tezos, based on TZIP-12 (FA2) non-fungible assets.

Here's an article describing one way to implement such a primitive

But feel free to explore other routes.

Judging criteria

Potential impact: Envisioned impact of your project Novelty: Innovativeness of the project Technical: Does the code work? Is it secure? Design and UX: How is the look and feel and how intuitive is the design?

Track requirements:

Submissions must be open source (MIT license) Submission with a working prototype must be deployed live on the current testnet Submissions must list the addresses of their token contracts


Prize (1 team) $7,500 in tez (XTZ) at the time of payout

On bounty deliverables

We would like to provide guidelines on what we expect to see out of the hackathon. We are aware that the topics we're putting up for bounties are complex, and scope might have to be defined narrowly to allow delivery within the hackathon's timeframe.

The concrete deliverables we expect out of a bounty application are:

Keep in mind that the purpose of your deliverables are to convince people almost as smart as yourselves that your idea is viable, and you are capable of delivering a reliable, working product.

Developer resources

For those who are completely new to Tezos development, the dev portal is a good place to start https://developers.tezos.com/

Tacode, a p2p learning platform for Tezos teaches you how to build a Dapp on Tezos while earning tez https://tacode.dev

OpenTezos is an open-source wiki on all topics Tezos https://opentezos.com/

A guide how to mint NFTs on Tezos and how to build a simple NFT platform https://medium.com/ecad-labs-inc/how-to-mint-nfts-on-tezos-using-taquito-and-pinata-15a407078495

A react provider for Dapps to easily setup connection to Beacon/Taquito wallets https://github.com/tz-contrib/components-library/tree/develop/packages/react-wallet-provider

Awesomelist for Tezos https://github.com/tz-contrib/awesome-tezos

Tezos Stack Exchange is a useful resource to where you can see answers to technical questions regarding Tezos https://tezos.stackexchange.com/

If you do not find answers to your technical questions on the Tezos Stack Exchange, join the Tezos Developers telegram channel and ask away https://t.me/TezosDevelopers

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1160.1361 XTZ (7540.88 USD @ $6.5/XTZ) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 2 days, 11 hours from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) karthi1908 has started work.

NAX - Neo Assets Exchange

Neo Assets Exchange (NAX) is a decentralised exchange for trading perpetual contracts on crypto and NFT floor prices. NAX is an experimental exchange for trading perps on new/exotic assets with Tezos as transaction/settlement currency. Due to its novel mCFMM price discovery mechanism, it doesn't require any liquidity pools or external liquidity. The main aim of the exchange is to provide exposure to all assets to the Tezos Hodlers without having to convert to other cryptocurrencies or trade-in new exchange.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1160.1361 XTZ (7390.07 USD @ $6.37/XTZ) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1160.1361 XTZ (7390.09 USD @ $6.39/XTZ) has been submitted by:

  1. @karthi1908

@jantinine please take a look at the submitted work: