tf-encrypted / moose

Secure distributed dataflow framework for encrypted machine learning and data processing
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Upgrade PyMoose dependencies #1033

Closed ChrisFriesen closed 2 years ago

ChrisFriesen commented 2 years ago

Change to have the requirements-dev.txt file generated using pip-compile. This allows for painless upgrading to the latest versions dependent on restrictions laid out in the file for compatible, above, lower, or pinned versions as well as dependencies between libraries. It also explicitly states which libraries are being brought in and used by our list of required ones and pins the version for all in the requirements-dev.txt file so that developers are working off of the same versions.

This file can be generated with pip-tools using the command

pip-compile --upgrade --output-file requirements-dev.txt

and has been added as a make action under make pydep-upgrade.

This process flow will not upgrade the requirements.txt versions automatically without someone manually running the make operation where the new versions would then be committed to source control for use by consumers of the repo.