tfabris / CrowCam

A set of Bash scripts to control and maintain a YouTube live cam from a Synology NAS.
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Live Stream stream repeatedly bounces starting 2019-04-23. #20

Closed tfabris closed 5 years ago

tfabris commented 5 years ago

I tried to connect to the stream at 2019-04-24 at 11:25 am and YouTube said "This channel doesn't have any content."

The camera was up via the Reolink app, but it had reduced itself to 1080p instead of 1296p for some unknown reason.

I rebooted the camera in hopes it would restore the stream. It didn't

Stream continues to have problems. Stream has gone to "Unlisted" in YouTube. Trying to correct.

To do: Look at logs and archives and try to figure out what went wrong.

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Part of the issue seemed to be related to the unexpected change of the stream from "Public" to "Unlisted" which happened entirely on YouTube's site without any input from me.

With the livestream set to "unlisted", its seems as though the parent video stream link... this one.... ... That stops working even if the stream has some live video on it.

If that link doesn't work then my script tries bouncing the stream (as it should!) because it's not getting a response. Until I can go into YouTube and edit the live stream settings and change it to "Public" again and press "Publish", the script will keep bouncing the stream every couple of minutes.

It took me multiple tries to reset the stream to "Public" again. I would do it and press publish, but it wouldn't "stick". I'm not sure if it's because of the repeatedly-bouncing stream that this happened or not. YouTube was also complaining about a stream bandwidth/health issue at the time, so I'm suspecting a server side issue at YouTube for this one.

To do:

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Update: Looking at history on YouTube - Issue appears to have started occuring actually around 4:47pm on the prior day 2019-04-23. There are dozens of videos of only a couple minutes' length in the archive.

To do:

tfabris commented 5 years ago

After correcting the issue (setting the stream to public again), the problem recurred. There is something going wrong on YouTube with live streams right now.

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Even with the stream up and working and set to "Public", the script is bouncing the stream every few minutes.

Consider this possibility:

Doesn't explain why the stream sometimes gets unexpectedly set to "unlisted" but that's likely a separate issue at this point.

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Confirmed: The Youtube-dl file needs to be updated to make this stop happening.

I tried this on local machine and Youtube-dl incorrectly reported that the stream was down even when I was actively monitoring it and saw that it was up.

Youtube-dl was updated on 2019-04-24 and when I downloaded that version, it started correctly reporting the stream state upness correctly again.

To do:

tfabris commented 5 years ago

To do:

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Updating seems to work. Try it in production.

tfabris commented 5 years ago

Updater code is in production. I have seen it successfully update the youtube-dl file once so far. Let's see how it does long-term.