tfarras / nestjs-firebase-admin

NestJS Module for Firebase Admin SDK
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Firebase Admin Version Update #6

Open anthonycastelli opened 2 years ago

anthonycastelli commented 2 years ago

The Firebase Admin SDK is a bit outdated, any chance we can get that bumped up along with the latest version of any other package that needs it?

Running nom outdated is returning all of these

Package                            Current    Wanted   Latest  Location                                       Depended by
@nestjs/cli                          7.6.0     7.6.0    8.2.1  node_modules/@nestjs/cli                       nestjs-firebase-admin
@nestjs/schematics                   7.3.1     7.3.1    8.0.7  node_modules/@nestjs/schematics                nestjs-firebase-admin
@nestjs/testing                     7.6.18    7.6.18    8.3.1  node_modules/@nestjs/testing                   nestjs-firebase-admin
@types/jest                        26.0.24   26.0.24   27.4.1  node_modules/@types/jest                       nestjs-firebase-admin
@types/node                       14.18.12  14.18.12  17.0.21  node_modules/@types/node                       nestjs-firebase-admin
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin    4.33.0    4.33.0   5.12.1  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin  nestjs-firebase-admin
@typescript-eslint/parser           4.33.0    4.33.0   5.12.1  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser         nestjs-firebase-admin
eslint                              7.32.0    7.32.0    8.9.0  node_modules/eslint                            nestjs-firebase-admin
eslint-plugin-prettier               3.4.1     3.4.1    4.0.0  node_modules/eslint-plugin-prettier            nestjs-firebase-admin
firebase-admin                      9.12.0    9.12.0   10.0.2  node_modules/firebase-admin                    nestjs-firebase-admin
jest                                26.6.3    26.6.3   27.5.1  node_modules/jest                              nestjs-firebase-admin
ts-jest                             26.5.6    26.5.6   27.1.3  node_modules/ts-jest                           nestjs-firebase-admin
ts-loader                            8.3.0     8.3.0    9.2.6  node_modules/ts-loader                         nestjs-firebase-admin
ts-node                              9.1.1     9.1.1   10.5.0  node_modules/ts-node                           nestjs-firebase-admin
victorouse commented 2 years ago


I was trying to instantiate a Firestore instance (using firebase-admin@^10.0.2 vs the firebase-admin@^9.6.0 from this package) and it seems using credentials.cert(..) isn't evaluating this instanceof check to true:

And then subsequently the error from Firestore:

'Failed to initialize Google Cloud Firestore client with the available credentials. Must initialize the SDK with a certificate credential or application default credentials to use Cloud Firestore API.'
at getFirestoreOptions (xxx/node_modules/@tfarras/nestjs-firebase-admin/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/firestore/firestore-internal.js:82:11

But downgrading my firebase-admin to the same as this package fixes this.

younes0 commented 1 year ago

Because this lib will install its own firebase-admin package (v9). To avoid it, add to your package.json

  "resolutions": {
    "firebase-admin": "^11.3.0"