tfbf / Bible-Punjabi-Pavitr-Bible-1945

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Making systematic changes using TextPipe #95

Closed DavidHaslam closed 7 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

I'm creating this issue as a placeholder to summarise what my bespoke TextPipe filters currently address:

The above list is in ascending order of issues, which is not the same as the order in my filters.

Not addressed by my TextPipe filter is:

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

TextPipe is a very powerful method to fix things systematically. I've been a TextPipe user since 2001.

The advantage of using TextPipe is that even if I have to download a fresh set of USFM files after someone else updates them in the meantime, I can repeat the operations methodically.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Activity update:

  1. I have deleted the forked repo that I made in December, because it was too many commits behind.
  2. I forked the tfbf repostory again so I could start working afresh on punjabi_bible_1945
  3. I created a branch from master called process
  4. I copied the 66 usfm files (output from my TextPipe filter) to the usfm folder in process
  5. I committed this local change using the GitHub Desktop client.
  6. I sync'd the process branch using GitHub Desktop client.
  7. I did a pull request from the process branch.

This branch has no conflicts with the base branch. It should be possible to merge all these changes.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

My pull request #96 has since been merged. Thanks, Joshy.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Several of the above listed issues have been closed that were either fixed or substantially resolved by merging the pull request.

New issue #97 has been opened to address a smaller residual problem.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

I have just tweaked my TextPipe filter that counts words in the Punjabi Bible so that it treats hyphenated words correctly.


And here is a list of the hyphenated words found therein.


DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

As this issue was largely descriptive, I think it may be closed now.

Things that it mentions are covered individually in other issues.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

FIO. A link to my EMDC2012 workshop presentation on using TextPipe.

NB. The material is a bit dated now, especially the Go Bible context of that time.