tfelder-deloitte / SecurityTesting

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Dependency Dashboard #25

Open renovate[bot] opened 4 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @types/es6-promise Unavailable
npm @types/form-data Unavailable
npm node-sass Unavailable
npm tslint Unavailable


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Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/shiftleft-analysis.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `github/codeql-action v2`
search-custom-renderer/package.json - `@microsoft/decorators 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-application-base 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-core-library 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-dialog 1.12.1` - `@types/es6-promise 0.0.33` - `@types/react 17.0.18` - `@types/react-dom 17.0.9` - `@types/webpack-env 1.16.2` - `custom-event-polyfill 1.0.7` - `moment 2.29.1` - `office-ui-fabric-react 7.174.0` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-2.9 0.14.47` - `@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3 0.9.47` - `@microsoft/sp-build-web 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-tslint-rules 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench 1.12.1` - `@types/chai 4.2.21` - `@types/mocha 9.0.0` - `ajv 8.6.2` - `gulp 4.0.2` - `node >=0.10.0` - `@types/react 17.0.18`
search-extensibility-library/package.json - `@types/webpack-env 1.16.2` - `@types/es6-promise 0.0.33` - `@microsoft/sp-property-pane 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-webpart-base 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-core-library 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-component-base 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-page-context 1.12.1` - `office-ui-fabric-react 7.174.0` - `@microsoft/sp-http 1.12.1` - `typescript ~4.3.0` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `react 17.0.2` - `@microsoft/sp-build-web 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-tslint-rules 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-2.9 0.14.47` - `@webcomponents/custom-elements 1.5.0` - `@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs 2.6.0` - `@types/es6-promise 0.0.33` - `@types/react-dom 17.0.9` - `@types/react 17.0.18` - `tslib 2.3.1` - `gulp 4.0.2` - `@types/chai 4.2.21` - `@types/mocha 9.0.0` - `ajv 8.6.2` - `node >=0.10.0`
search-parts/package.json - `@microsoft/decorators 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-application-base 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-dialog 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-loader 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-property-pane 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-webpart-base 1.12.1` - `@pnp/common 2.15.0` - `@pnp/logging 2.8.0` - `@pnp/odata 2.8.0` - `@pnp/polyfill-ie11 2.0.2` - `@pnp/sp 2.8.0` - `@pnp/sp-clientsvc 1.3.11` - `@pnp/sp-taxonomy 1.3.11` - `@pnp/spfx-controls-react 3.2.1` - `@pnp/spfx-property-controls 3.2.0` - `@pnp/telemetry-js 2.0.0` - `@types/es6-promise 0.0.33` - `@types/react 17.0.18` - `@types/react-dom 17.0.9` - `@types/webpack-env 1.16.2` - `@uifabric/file-type-icons 7.6.30` - `@uifabric/icons 7.5.23` - `@uifabric/styling 7.19.0` - `core-js 3.16.1` - `custom-event-polyfill 1.0.7` - `dompurify 2.3.1` - `flickity 2.2.2` - `flickity-imagesloaded 2.0.0` - `handlebars 4.7.7` - `handlebars-group-by 1.0.1` - `handlebars-helpers 0.10.0` - `immutability-helper 3.1.1` - `moment 2.29.1` - `office-ui-fabric-react 7.174.0` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-ace 9.4.3` - `react-collapsible 2.8.3` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `react-js-pagination 3.0.3` - `video.js 7.14.3` - `@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3 0.9.47` - `@microsoft/sp-build-web 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-tslint-rules 1.12.1` - `@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench 1.12.1` - `@types/chai 4.2.21` - `@types/es6-promise 0.0.33` - `@types/fabric 4.5.2` - `@types/mocha 9.0.0` - `@types/node 16.6.1` - `@types/react 17.0.18` - `@types/react-dom 17.0.9` - `@types/sharepoint 2016.1.10` - `@types/webpack-env 1.16.2` - `@webcomponents/custom-elements 1.5.0` - `@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs 2.6.0` - `ajv 8.6.2` - `css-loader 6.2.0` - `css-modules-typescript-loader 4.0.1` - `del 6.0.0` - `fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 6.3.2` - `gulp 4.0.2` - `node-sass 6.0.1` - `sass-loader 12.1.0` - `style-loader 3.2.1` - `ts-loader 9.2.5` - `unlazy-loader 0.1.3` - `webpack 5.50.0` - `webpack-bundle-analyzer 4.4.2` - `webpack-cli 4.8.0` - `webpack-dev-server 3.11.2` - `node >=0.10.0` - `@types/react 17.0.18`
search-query-enhancer/package.json - `@types/form-data 2.2.1` - `@types/lodash 4.14.180` - `@types/node-fetch 3.0.2` - `@types/sinon 10.0.11` - `@types/sprintf-js 1.1.2` - `azure-functions-ts-essentials 1.3.2` - `clean-webpack-plugin 4.0.0` - `form-data 4.0.0` - `jest-junit 13.0.0` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `node-fetch 3.2.3` - `path 0.12.7` - `sinon 13.0.1` - `sprintf-js 1.1.2` - `@types/jest 27.4.1` - `@types/node 16.6.1` - `awesome-typescript-loader 5.2.1` - `copy-webpack-plugin 10.2.4` - `cp-cli 2.0.0` - `jest 27.5.1` - `standard-version ~9.3.0` - `ts-jest 27.1.3` - `tslint 6.1.3` - `typescript 4.3.5` - `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 2.2.0` - `webpack 5.50.0`

tfelder-deloitte commented 4 years ago
