tfeldmann / organize

The file management automation tool.
MIT License
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Have Organize start up and stay running for interaction at the command line, (rather than run a config.yml and close)? #374

Closed nodecentral closed 6 months ago

nodecentral commented 6 months ago

I’m so sorry, I’m not sure to report this as a bug, but also not sure how much of a new feature it is either.

To set the scene - I currently get the following error in the logs, after setting up a new Docker instance, all of which I think is understandable. My question however is how can I get Organize to start up, and stay running - allowing me to then interact with it via the command line so I can run many different config.yml files I have?

organize 2.4.0
Config: "/home/pi/.config/organize/config.yaml"
Working dir: ""
╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/organize/ in execute        │
│                                                                              │
│   148 │                                                                      │
│   149 │   try:                                                               │
│   150 │   │, working_dir=working_dir)      │
│ ❱ 151 │   │                                                      │
│   152 │   │   │   rules=config_text,                                         │
│   153 │   │   │   simulate=simulate,                                         │
│   154 │   │   │   working_dir=working_dir,                                   │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/organize/ in run           │
│                                                                              │
│   371 │   rules = config.cleanup(rules)                                      │
│   372 │   Action.Meta.default_filesystem = working_dir                       │
│   373 │                                                                      │
│ ❱ 374 │   migrate_v1(rules)                                                  │
│   375 │                                                                      │
│   376 │   if validate:                                                       │
│   377 │   │   config.validate(rules)                                         │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/organize/ in           │
│ migrate_v1                                                                   │
│                                                                              │
│   27 │   │   if "folders" in rule:                                           │
│   28 │   │   │   raise NeedsMigrationError("`folders` are now `locations`")  │
│   29 │   │   for fil in rule.get("filters") or []:                           │
│ ❱ 30 │   │   │   name, _ = entry_name_args(fil)                              │
│   31 │   │   │   if name == "filename":                                      │
│   32 │   │   │   │   raise NeedsMigrationError("`filename` is now `name`")   │
│   33 │   │   │   if name == "filesize":                                      │
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

Just to check the above error is related to where my config.yml is? Which is Config: "/home/pi/.config/organize/config.yaml" and that still contains the following default.

# organize configuration file

  - name: "The name of this rule"
      - # your locations here
      - # your filters here
      - # your actions here

As I don’t want Organize to just run one Config file and close, is there a config.yml I can use, or something else I can do to just bring Organize up?

Or perhaps is there an edit I can make to the ?


if [ $# -eq 1 ]
    (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "$1 /usr/local/bin/organize run >> /var/log/organize/organize.log 2>&1") | crontab -
    service cron restart
      /usr/local/bin/organize run >> /var/log/organize/organize.log 2>&1 && exit 0

Many thanks ..

nodecentral commented 6 months ago

Ok, some progress, while I can’t achieve this with the docker_compose.yml, I have has some success with the following Docker run

docker run -dit --rm --name organize \
      -v "/share/Container/organize/config/":/home/pi/.config/organize/ \
      -v "/share/Container/organize/logs/":/var/log/organize/ \
      -v "/share/Container/organize/input/":/Input \
      -v "/share/Container/organize/output/":/Output \
      -v "/share/Publications/":/Publications \
      -v "/share/Movies/":/Movies \
      docker-organize \
       "* * * * *"

I tool the “ “ aspect from another docker run I had - so if anyone can explain the difference between the above and the following compose - please let me know..

version: '3'
    image: docker-organize:latest
    container_name: organize
      - /share/Container/organize/output:/Output
      - /share/Container/organize/input:/Input
      - /share/Container/organize/logs:/var/log/organize/
      - /share/Container/organize/config:/home/pi/.config/organize/
      - /share/Publications:/Publications
      - /share/Container:/Containers
      - /share/Movies:/Movies
tfeldmann commented 6 months ago

Thanks for describing the problem. If I understand it correctly you'd like to keep organize running in the background to watch for any changes in the given locations? Maybe something like #18? This is one of the next features planned for the upcoming releases.

allowing me to then interact with it via the command line so I can run many different config.yml files I have?

Can you elaborate on that? What would this interactive mode look like?

nodecentral commented 6 months ago

Hi @tfeldmann , thanks so much for responding.

I was not necessarily thinking about watching for something like a folder update, although I can see the benefit there - my uses case is that I have created a number of very focussed config.yml files - that do specific things when I want to run them.

Some times I need to do one thing first to sort stuff out and another to move things around into other folders - yes they can be run in sequence - but the order is not always easy to prescribe or I just want to run one or two on demand.

I don’t recall seeing a UI for Organize, but having it run constantly allows me to explore options like a command line menu of some sort - or I can maybe make calls to run Organize scripts from other systems.

tfeldmann commented 6 months ago

Ok starting with v3 you can already do this:

organize new name1
organize new name2
organize run name1
organize run name2

Maybe you can define some aliases to make this even shorter? Something like alias orun='organize run'?

tfeldmann commented 6 months ago

I'll close this issue but will add "Improve CLI documentation" to my todo list.