tfg2817 / Project-Time-and-attendance-system

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Risk management #5

Open tfg2817 opened 5 years ago

tfg2817 commented 5 years ago

Executive Support: Executives fail to support project Conflict between executive stakeholders disrupts project Executive turnover disrupts project

Scope: Scope creep inflates scope Activities are missing from scope

Cost: Cost forecasts are inaccurate

Change Management: Stakeholder conflict over proposed changes Lack of a change management process Inaccurate change priorities

Stakeholders: Stakeholders fail to support project Stakeholder conflict Process inputs are low quality

Communication: Project team misunderstand requirements Users have inaccurate expectations

Resources & Team: Resource shortfalls Training is inadequate Resource performance issues Team members with negative attitudes towards the project Low team motivation

Architecture: Architecture lacks flexibility Architecture is not fit for purpose

Integration: Failure to integrate with systems Integration testing environments aren't available Project disrupts operations

Project Management: Failure to follow methodology Errors in key project management processes Errors in project management

User Acceptance: Users reject the prototype User interface doesn't allow users to complete tasks