tfonteyn / NeverTooManyBooks

A book collection app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fetch covers from the internet in portrait is not usable #12

Closed maverick74 closed 1 year ago

maverick74 commented 1 year ago

Fetching covers from the internet in portrait mode is not usable as the popup is "too slim" (landscape mode is OK)

Screenshot_2023-05-16-20-33-59-838_com hardbacknutter nevertoomanybooks

tfonteyn commented 1 year ago

I should have seen this issue coming as I had the same issue for some other dialogs. I've just fixed this one as well now. It's to late tonight, but you can expect a new release tomorrow.

A bit of an explanation: I tried to implement dialogs in such a way that they are automatically full-screen or a real-dialog depending on screen size. I've started to admit defeat... there are just to many different types of screen out there. I'm more or less settling now on full-screen dialogs for all devices which have a diagonal of less than 7", and real-dialog style for 7" and larger screens.

maverick74 commented 1 year ago

I'm more or less settling now on full-screen dialogs for all devices which have a diagonal of less than 7", and real-dialog style for 7" and larger screens.

Seems a good approach!

tfonteyn commented 1 year ago

and another bug fixed: v4.3.5