tfonteyn / NeverTooManyBooks

A book collection app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 3 forks source link

Original title #13

Closed maverick74 closed 1 year ago

maverick74 commented 1 year ago

Is there an original title field?

(I can't find it!!!)

If there isn't... I would like to suggest adding it.

...IF YOU think it makes sense!!!

tfonteyn commented 1 year ago
IF YOU think it makes sense!!!

It's been on my personal TODO list since forever :) I need it, so YES it makes perfect sense :)

I've been toying with just an "original title" but in combination with another field to indicate the original language. Doing both takes quite a bit of screen space on my old 5" phone.

I think I will compromise and add a simple "original title" for now and decided on more later. I'll plan to include this in a 4.4 release soonish.

tfonteyn commented 1 year ago

which reminds me... I took your suggestion on adding default languages (and format+colors) and implemented it. It'll be in the 4.4 as well.

tfonteyn commented 1 year ago

and here is 4.4.0