Open tfoote opened 10 months ago
Lets start with making a good diagram of how things work, and how they are extended to generate protobuf generation. Then make a parallel diagram of how the new system works and how it would be extended for generating protobuf.
Keeping in mind that there might be new generators of interest such as a rust generator in the future.
CURRENT Hook registration on CodeGenerator project build
participant CodeGenerator_cmake
participant ament_package
participant ament_register_extension
CodeGenerator_cmake->>ament_package: CONFIG_EXTRAS
ament_package->>ament_register_extension: rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces, cmake_code_hook
Note right of ament_package: Execute a template with variables and a cmake code hook.
CURRENT Hook execution and code generation
participant project_with_rosidl_files
participant rosidl_generate_interfaces
participant rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces_HOOK
participant generate_arguments_file
participant rosidl_generator
project_with_rosidl_files->>rosidl_generate_interfaces: path_to_idl_files
loop ForEach Hook
rosidl_generate_interfaces->>rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces_HOOK: path_to_idl_files, parameters
rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces_HOOK->>generate_arguments_file: template_parameters
activate generate_arguments_file
generate_arguments_file->>rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces_HOOK: arguments_file
deactivate generate_arguments_file
rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces_HOOK->>rosidl_generator: arguments_file
This will be great to add to documentation either here:
Or where it links to at
Drafted a PR for ros2_documentation for old and new approach. Initial testing of new approach going well.
Do some initial benchmarking to validate speedup and that it works. Only some of the implementation, only rosidl_introspection_c and introspection_cpp are ported at the moment. The others rely on the backwards compatibility. We can show speedup for these and open tickets to accelerate the other groups.
We'll work to land the new method and then port the protobuf version to the new format. Showing speedup here will be a good case for others to use the new generator.
Documentation PRs created at my local fork for review:
Issues Encountered
For Mermaid support we should try to use the sphinx plugin:
I made changes to both PRs to reflect comments and work done by Tully to integrate mermaid into sphinx.
Currently, the sequence of events to generate idl interfaces looks something like this:
participant interfaces project
participant invoking rosidl_generate_interfaces
participant invoking rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK
participant invoking generate_arguments_file
participant invoking rosidl_generator
participant python interpreter
participant em interpreter
interfaces project->>invoking rosidl_generate_interfaces: path_to_idl_files
loop ForEach Hook
invoking rosidl_generate_interfaces->>invoking rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK: path_to_idl_files, parameters
invoking rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK->>invoking generate_arguments_file: template_parameters
activate invoking generate_arguments_file
invoking generate_arguments_file->>invoking rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK: arguments_file
deactivate invoking generate_arguments_file
invoking rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK->>invoking rosidl_generator: arguments_file
invoking rosidl_generator->>python interpreter: arguments_file
Note right of invoking rosidl_generator: Kickstarting Python interpreter is an expensive task
python interpreter->>em interpreter: template, arguments
As you can see in the diagram above, calling rosidl_generator which generates code from templates and parameters, requires to kick-start a python interpreter, which is an expensive operation in terms of time and resources, this expensive operation happens inside a loop. Which means that the expensive operation will be executed once per interfaces per package.
This PR, allows to defer the call to the python interpreter for a later time, where all the interfaces and packages have already been executed. To do that, each interface package will, instead of calling the rosidl_generator directly, they will generate an arguments file and return it. When all interface packages are called and all arguments files are generated, then the code will call the rosidl_generator once, passing all the arguments_files.
As you will see in the diagram below, the original loop is now separated into three loops, the first one gets everything set, the second one generates the arguments files and the last one does all the post processing after the source code is generated. But the interpreter is instantiated only once, outside of any loop.
participant interfaces project
participant invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces
participant invoke rosidl_create_type_descriptions_extensions HOOK
participant invoke rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK
participant invoke rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions HOOK
participant invoke generate arguments_file
participant invoke rosidl_generator
participant python interpreter
participant em interpretar
interfaces project->>invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces: path_to_idl_files
loop ForEach rosidl_create_type_descriptions_extensions Hook
invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces->>invoke rosidl_create_type_descriptions_extensions HOOK: path_to_idl_files, parameters
loop ForEach rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions Hook
invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces->>invoke rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions HOOK: path_to_idl_files, parameters
activate invoke generate_arguments_file
invoke rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions HOOK->>invoke generate_arguments_file: path_to_idl_files, parameters
invoke generate_arguments_file->>invoke rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions HOOK: arguments_file
deactivate invoke generate_arguments_file
invoke rosidl_write_generator_arguments_extensions HOOK->>invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces: arguments_file
invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces->>invoke rosidl_generator: [arguments_files]
invoke rosidl_generator->>python interpreter: arguments_file
Note right of invoking rosidl_generator: Kickstarting Python interpreter is an expensive task
python interpreter->>em interpreter: template, arguments
loop ForEach invoke rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces Hook
invoke rosidl_generate_interfaces->>invoke rosidl_generate_idl_interfaces HOOK: generated_files
@tfoote PTAL at comment above, as a candidate for the description of the PR
Top level items would be great to have verbs with descriptions
It would be nice to see what the outputs are "inputs => output file type/format"
Include the last stage that gets blown out in the feature on the diagram (add one more row/cycle showing the invocation of the generator in the top diagram)
Reworking this to be same language as the upstream PR to be contributed there.
Goal for next week extended documentation and benchmark showing upstream benefits to promote that PR out of draft status.
It would be good to benchmark the processes. I found some resources such as:
For reference other generators
rosjava did catchup generation
@gonzodepedro can you check out chris's concerns in
Top priorities rebase the rosidl change to be able to retest it. Work on documentation before landing.
Mermaid documentation
PR for rosidl "rebase"
Also validating it with drake-ros to make sure it's working with non cmake projects
The drake_ros work isn't using the command line interface, but introspecting/loading the
Instead make a python test in the typesupport libraries. Do this for protobuf_tyepsupport
And in the type adapter libraries and then our adapters
If the pattern is easy enough to replicate we can PR it for other typesupports in the future.
There's a potential solution for speeding up the build.
That might be a good solution or some other one such that the message generation phase goes faster and isn't noticable when building.