tfpauly / privacy-proxy

Specifications for Privacy Proxy Implementations
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why mandate that geo hint is tied to an IP geolocation feed? #194

Open npdoty opened 2 years ago

npdoty commented 2 years ago

If this is an optional and user-controlled geolocation hint, then I would expect that some clients would have access to course geolocation but not necessarily have an IP-geolocation database that they want to look up. Is it necessary to prohibit clients from taking what they know to be current approximate geolocation and adding it as a client hint?

Similarly, do we want the header name to include IP? We might move to IP address not being a good proxy for geolocation (indeed, this seems like part of that project), and it seems like the use cases are for the client to indicate course geolocation, not actually to indicate anything related to the Internet Protocol for more than historical reasons.