Open KlodianMaloku-Rt opened 9 months ago
Hi, I have never used this particular ouath2 scheme. It seems strange that the window will not close. Extracting the access_token
from the the popup response seems to me like a missing functionality in SwaggerUI itself (for that auth flow). The auth window not closing certainly points in that direction.
accessToken = params.get('access_token');
I think this should be picked up by SwaggeUI. Maybe it is already saved internally, just not used. Have a look at our injectAuthCredentials()
Also notice that we have a setting for initOAuthParams
Beware that we also have a interceptor which you are overriding now:
We just merged #1191, because we missed reloading the schema after successful oauth2 authentication. However, I think this issue seems one step before that. It is worth a try though.
Let me know what works
Might be the source of the problem?
Apparently the obtained credentials cannot flow back to the origin but are are kind of past that point already.
Maybe this will fix the problem. When is this going to merge? Should I use drf-spectaculuar-sidecar alone or together with drf-spectacular to get the latest version after the fix is merged?
you don't need to use drf-spectaculuar-sidecar
. Also there are no modifications there, just "cached" assets. This would only be beneficial for serving the oauth2-redirect.html
from your origin
, nothing else imho.
I am reviewing #1142 atm
Since I cannot rebuild your setup exactly, it would be helpful if you could find out where it hangs for you.
I can at least confirm that the bug I'm fixing in #1142 shows the same behavior as described here. The tab opened by Swagger-UI stays open (and blank) while complaining in its javascript console that window.opener
is null
I don't know anything about addin interceptors to swagger itself though 😅
Hello, I tried to extend the view class includeing the header to response. Also removed my template and let drf-spectacular use the default template and it didnt work. Here is my impl:
from django.conf import settings
from drf_spectacular.utils import extend_schema
from drf_spectacular.views import SpectacularSwaggerView
class CallSwaggerView(SpectacularSwaggerView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
response = super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)['client_id'] = settings.SWAGGER_KCLOAK_CLIENT_ID['idpHint'] = ''
response.headers = {
"Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "unsafe-none",
return response
class Provider1SwaggerView(CallSwaggerView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
response = super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)
return response
class Provider2SwaggerView(CallSwaggerView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
from smartcall.core.models import Account
from call.utils.platform_utils import ProviderNames
account_2 = Account.objects.filter(idp__platform=ProviderNames.Provider2).first()
response = super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)['idpHint'] = account_2.provider_id
return response
And the url conf is this one:
swagger_urlpatterns = [
# schema view
re_path(r'^call/schema/', Provider1SwaggerView.as_view(), name='schema'),
# Provider1 UI
# Provider2 UI
# redoc UI
re_path(r'^call/redoc/', SpectacularRedocView.as_view(url_name='schema'), name='redoc'),
] if settings.SHOW_SWAGGER else []
I have two url because I have different auth schema for different providers.
@ftsell in my case the tab stays open but not blank. After authenticating to keycloak it redirects back to my swagger url ( in the same tab ) but as not authenticated. Thats it why i have to use that interceptor.
@tfranzel Maybe can help, after authenticating to the new tab it redirects back with the token in url:
Describe the bug When trying to authorize , UI opens a new tab that redirects to the OIDC server ( in my case keycloak ) . After authenticating to idp the new tab is not closed but stays open and swagger is not authorized. I have to add a interceptor to use that token that is in url of the redirected page. To Reproduce heare are my configs:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.okta_openidconnect.OktaOpenIdConnect', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', )
REST_FRAMEWORK = { ......... 'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema', }
SPECTACULAR_SETTINGS = { 'TITLE': 'Console API', 'DESCRIPTION': 'Console API', 'VERSION': '1.0.0', 'SERVE_INCLUDE_SCHEMA': False, "SWAGGER_UI_SETTINGS": { "persistAuthorization": True, "withCredentials": True }, 'SERVE_PERMISSIONS': ['rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny'], 'SERVE_AUTHENTICATION': [], 'SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX': r'\/(?:api\/)?callcenter(?:\/public\/v\d+)?(?:\/config)?(?:\/workspace\/{workspace_id})?\/?', }
from drf_spectacular.extensions import OpenApiAuthenticationExtension
class BearerTokenAuthenticationSchema(OpenApiAuthenticationExtension): """ Swagger schema extension to add oauth2 authentication and targeting our authentication class. """ target_class = "call.auth.authentication.UserTokenAuthentication"