tfs-tada / eslint-plugin-no-excess-property

ESLint plugin to prevent excess properties in TypeScript objects, ensuring strict adherence to type definitions.
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fix: array checker #23

Open tfs-tada opened 3 weeks ago

tfs-tada commented 3 weeks ago
 type User = { name: string };
 const taro = { name: "taro" };
 const jiro = { name: "jiro", age: 10 };
 const saburo = { name: "saburo" };
 const users: User[] = [taro, jiro, saburo];
tfs-tada commented 1 week ago

🗓️ ts.Nodeの段階で ts.isArrayLiteralExpression の絞り込み -> node.elements で取得可能だが、checker内で処理できるかは不明

const initNode = parserServices.esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap.get(node.init);
const initTypes = ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(initNode)
      (e) => [e, checker.getTypeAtLocation(e)] as const,
  : ([[node, checker.getTypeAtLocation(initNode)]] as const);

const idType = checker.getElementTypeOfArrayType(