tfsaggregator / aggregator-cli

A new version of Aggregator aiming at Azure DevOps (ex Visual Studio Team Services)
Apache License 2.0
73 stars 32 forks source link

No aggregator instances found. #251

Closed alexvaccaro closed 2 years ago

alexvaccaro commented 2 years ago

I have successfully installed aggregator on azure using this command: aggregator-cli install.instance --verbose --name mylabel --location uksouth --resourceGroup AzureDevOps-aggregator and this is the tail of the verbose output...

[2022-01-19 16:27:20Z] Started deployment (id: aggregator9cb80941afd)
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Deployment running (3s)
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Deployment Succeeded
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] located a cached GitHub version query response
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Cached versions are recent enough to not require checking GitHub
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Found v1.1.0 on 12/06/2021 14:13:57 +00:00 in GitHub .
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Latest Runtime package version is 1.1.0 (released on 12/06/2021 14:13:57 +00:00).
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Locally cached Runtime package version is 1.1.0.
[2022-01-19 16:28:24Z] Retrieving functions runtime from mylabel app
[2022-01-19 16:28:30Z] Cannot read aggregator-manifest.ini: Not Found (disregard this message on new instances)
[2022-01-19 16:28:30Z] Function Runtime version is 0.0.0.
[2022-01-19 16:28:30Z] Using local cached runtime package 1.1.0
[2022-01-19 16:28:30Z] Uploading runtime package to
[2022-01-19 16:29:35Z] Runtime package uploaded to mylabel.
[2022-01-19 16:29:35Z] Saving Azure DevOps token
[2022-01-19 16:29:50Z] Azure DevOps token saved

and I can see the resources being created successfully on azure under the resource group selected, however when I try to add a sample rule I get the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. and when I run the list.instance command I get this

[2022-01-19 16:38:15Z] aggregator-cli v1.1.0 (build: Release) (c) Copyright © TFS Aggregator Team
[2022-01-19 16:38:15Z] Connected to subscription {redacted}
[2022-01-19 16:38:15Z] Deprecation notice: the resourceGroup option will be mandatory in a future version of Aggregator.
[2022-01-19 16:38:16Z] No aggregator instances found.
[2022-01-19 16:38:16Z] Not found

Any advice on what to do in order to resolve the issue?

giuliov commented 2 years ago

Have you checked that the resource group is the same as in the first command i.e. --resourceGroup AzureDevOps-aggregator ?