tfsaggregator / tfsaggregator-webhooks

WARNING: the team is no more maintaing this version. See aggreggator-cli instead.
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The error "HTTP status code InternalServerError" in Functions Bot #26

Closed Jessica1980 closed 5 years ago

Jessica1980 commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm using Functions Bot (instead of App Bot) and meet a problem that there is no web.config file when I create the Function Bot with Azure Subscription. Could you please advise me how and where can I put information about MicrosoftAppId, MicrosoftAppPassword, AzureWebJobsStorage, QnASubscriptionKey, QnAKnowledgeBaseId?

I need it because I want to add HeroCard into my bot and I'm using this insrution. In this instruction we should update web.config file. Without this my bot have the error "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code InternalServerError"

giuliov commented 6 years ago

I really do not get what you ask. Can you clarify the context and what tfsaggregator has to do with bots?