tfsbuildextensions / BuildManager

Community TFS Build Manager
54 stars 27 forks source link

Allow opening build reports in Visual Studio from standalone app #10

Closed alimbada closed 9 years ago

alimbada commented 9 years ago

The standalone app currently shows the message This feature is not supported when running the stand alone application.

When TFS sends build failure reports by email, those emails contain links that use the vstfs:// protocol. Clicking on such a link opens the build report in Visual Studio. The standalone app should also use these links.

A vstfs protocol link looks like the following: vstfs:///Build/Build/<build_request_number>?url=<team_project_collection_url>

mikefourie-zz commented 9 years ago

Happy to take a pull request for this.

alimbada commented 9 years ago

Thanks, pull request submitted.

You may want to leave issues open in the future so that if someone else comes along they can see outstanding issues and take them up if they want to.

mikefourie-zz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the PR. Good point on keeping the bug open. I could do with another state in this interface.

alimbada commented 9 years ago

Labels might be what you're looking for:

mikefourie-zz commented 9 years ago

Perfect! Thanks!