tfsbuildextensions / BuildManager

Community TFS Build Manager
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Export/Import does not work for UpgradeTemplate in TFS2015 with non-default Build Process Parameters #25

Open marmot40 opened 8 years ago

marmot40 commented 8 years ago

We are using TFS2015 Upd2 with VS2015. We have lots of XAML build definitions once written with VS2008 and migrated from TFS2008 to TFS2015. The XAML build definitions become all based on the Upgrade Template which is ok. Unfortunately all get default values for the "Build Process Parameters" in the "Process" tab of the build definition. For example, the "Recursion Type" is "None" but should be "Full" for all our build definitions. So I tried to export all build definitions and edit them and re-import them. This leads to invalid values in the build definition and worse the invalid values can no more be modified in the VS2015 build definitinon editor. I modified the source code V2.14.0.21 so that the 3 "Build Process Parameters" "MSBuild Platform", "Recursion Type" and "Sources Subdirectory" can be correctly exported and imported. See attached zip file with original and modified files (3 files) Maybe you may want to adapt the source code.

Thanks, Martin
