tfutils / tfenv

Terraform version manager
MIT License
4.42k stars 446 forks source link

ADD OpenTofu support #411

Closed orbitz closed 6 months ago

orbitz commented 9 months ago

This adds support for OpenTofu. I have not added tests yet.

The major change is an environment variable called TFENV_ENGINE which can be explicitly specified or is automatically determined based on heuristic of version file names.

JonZeolla commented 9 months ago

Also I'm willing to test this just give me until next week if interested

orbitz commented 9 months ago

@JonZeolla Thanks for the feedback. I'll fix and push. If you have time to test it, much appreciated.

JonZeolla commented 9 months ago

@orbitz I am slowly working through this in in my spare time; feedback welcome if you see that I am not following how you expected this to work. I will bring questions/issues here as I work through them

JonZeolla commented 7 months ago


orbitz commented 7 months ago

@JonZeolla Do you know what's necessary to get this merged in?

JonZeolla commented 7 months ago

@orbitz no, sorry. I just know that I tested with both terraform and tofu and this branch seems to check out. For the time being, I am (unfortunately) just pinning my project to the opentofu fork and branch

joshpollara commented 7 months ago

@Zordrak are you able to help get this merged?

joshpollara commented 7 months ago

@jack-parsons-bjss ping!

Zordrak commented 6 months ago

Rejected ::

kvendingoldo commented 6 months ago

Hello there, Tofuenv's first stable release (v1.0) is now available! tofuenv is a fork of tfenv that only works with OpenTofu binaries. Our crew (me, @anastasiiakozlova245, @Nmishin) has been working on the fork over the past week. We worked hard to improve the usability of core tofuenv features, add some new capabilities, and, of course, fix a few bugs in the original tfenv program.

We'd appreciate your input and support on GitHub. Please feel free to submit issues and make contributions. Link to tofuenv:

tofuenv can be installed manually from GitHub or via brew (for mac users).

kvendingoldo commented 5 months ago

Hi folks, The tofuutils crew is dropping new tool for managing Terraform/OpenTofu: tenv!

tenv, is Golang based application, that means that you don't depend on shell or other environment dependencies anymore.

We encourage you to make use of it, share any issues you encounter, and even contribute to its improvement. Your support and stars ⭐️ would be greatly appreciated! We're all ears for your feedback!

We saved all tfenv features and added some new. It's an active, not dead development. We'll be glad to hear your wishes about new features and implement them in next releases.