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Slugs - PyMdown Extensions Documentation #1028

Open tg-z opened 4 years ago

tg-z commented 4 years ago


Alternate Slugify

Python Markdown's default slugify strips out all Unicode chars. To better handle Unicode, a couple of optional slugify options have been provided. These are very simple slugify options. There are many slugify options out there, some of which are very sophisticated. Some may prefer using one of those, but if you just want something simple, these might fill that requirement.


In order to handle Unicode characters in slugs better, a slugify has been included at pymdownx.slugs.uslugify. This assumes you are encoding your HTML as UTF-8. UTF-8 Unicode should be okay in your slugs in modern browsers. uslugify and normalizes the Unicode with the NFC form, and then strips out non-word Unicode characters (- is allowed to pass through as well). Spaces are replaced with the provided separator. Lastly, the entire string is lowercased. You can override Toc's default slugify by feeding in this function via the slugify parameter.


If you aren't encoding your HTML as UTF-8, or prefer the safer percent encoded Unicode slugs, you can use pymdownx.slugs.uslugify_encoded. This is just like uslugify except that it percent encodes Unicode characters. You can override Toc's default slugify by feeding in this function via the slugify parameter.


If you prefer to keep the casing of your Unicode slugs, this might be the slug for you. This is just like uslugify except that it preserves the case of the original text. You can override Toc's default slugify by feeding in this function via the slugify parameter.


If you aren't encoding your HTML as UTF-8, or prefer the safer percent encoded Unicode slugs and you prefer to keep the casing of your Unicode slugs, you can use pymdownx.slugs.uslugify_cased_encoded. This is just like uslugify except that it percent encodes Unicode characters and it preserves the case of the original text. You can override Toc's default slugify by feeding in this function via the slugify parameter.


If you are looking for a GitHub like slug, this may be for you. This is just like uslugify except that ASCII chars are lowercased while Unicode chars are not.


If you are looking for a GitHub like slug, this may be for you. This is just like uslugify except that it percent encodes Unicode characters and ASCII chars are lowercased while Unicode chars are not.

Last update: April 7, 2020