tg-z / web-clip

25 stars 5 forks source link

awesome/ · master · tg-z / docs · GitLab #1036

Open tg-z opened 4 years ago

tg-z commented 4 years ago

You're not allowed to edit files in this project directly. Please fork this project, make your changes there, and submit a merge request. Fork

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A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php. This awesome collection is also available on


Choose your base shell.

Command-Line Productivity

Search, bookmarks, multiplexing, and other tools that make your terminal experience more productive.


Custom prompts, color themes, etc.

For Developers

Command-line development, version control, and deployment.

System Utilities

OS-related tools, including system administration, system debugging, and file and process management.

Downloading and Serving

Self-hosted, lightweight servers and networking tools written in shell scripts.

Multimedia and File Formats

Tools for handling video and audio files.


Command line-based applications or command line access to existing services.


All work and no play is a cruddy way to spend your day.

Shell Package Management

Tools for managing multiple shell configurations. For zsh-specific tools, see the Zsh section.

Shell Script Development

Tools for writing, improving, or organizing Bash or other shell scripts

Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in awesome-awesome and awesome-awesomeness.

See also