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Hacking Tutorials #71

Open tg-z opened 4 years ago

tg-z commented 4 years ago

Hacking Tutorials

Elite Hackers Site

Hacking Tutorials

These tutorials are the best place to start. It almost took me two years to get to where I am and become known as an elite hacker. I wrote these tutorials so you can read them and become a hacker within months.

Getting Started

This tutorial will cover the basics of becoming a full-fledged hacker. This section is divided up into sub-sections which cover different topics. New hackers should read this first.

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Advanced Hacking Methods

This article covers advanced topics such as IP addresses, firewalls, and remote networks, along with how they can be hacked by using hacking tools like Ping and Telnet.

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Hacking MySpace Accounts

This is a special tutorial that I wrote for those of you out there looking to hack into someone's MySpace account and ruin their e-life.

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Key Logging

Key logging is an art of hacking where you have physical access to the computer and its hardware ports for the keyboard. By using undetectable hardware, you can record every key your victim presses on their keyboard, revealing their account passwords so you can hack them.

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Covering Your Tracks

The most important thing skilled hackers do is cover their tracks. This article talks about how to hack people and servers and vanish without a trace to avoid getting caught!

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Viruses, viruses, viruses. Need I say more? Probably the most important facet to hacking, my viruses page will cover viruses in full detail. By reading through this page, you'll learn what viruses do, and even how to make them.

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Hacking Exposed Web Applications, Third Edition

Web sites have become really popular over the last couple years. Web sites even control bank accounts and social media sites like Facebook and MySpace, which is what makes this book REALLY valuable. This book will teach you how to hack 90% of the web sites out there, even if they're written in a secure lanuage like HTML 5 or C (My site can't be hacked though, becuase it's written in C++ which is more secure).

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Denise-kz commented 2 days ago

Please teach me how to hack account, I badly want to recover my Facebook account