tg123 / websockify-nginx-module

Embed websockify into Nginx (convert any tcp connection into websocket)
MIT License
140 stars 59 forks source link

WSS? #6

Closed maj-tom closed 9 years ago

maj-tom commented 9 years ago

Are secure (TLS/SSL) WebSockets supported? If so, does the module handle the security and bridge unencrypted TCP traffic to the proxied server?

tg123 commented 9 years ago


SSL is supported via nginx

It is the same as proxying HTTPS to a HTTP upstream

browser -> nginx(443) is encrypted by ssl

nginx(module) -> proxied_server:5900 is not encrypted

    # HTTPS server
    server {
        listen       443 ssl;
        server_name ....................;

        ssl_certificate     ..........................
        ssl_certificate_key ...................

        location /websockify {
            websockify_pass proxied_server:5900;
maj-tom commented 9 years ago
