tgalal / yowsup

The WhatsApp lib
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Extracting WhatsApp password from Android devices #234

Closed whatsappnomedia closed 5 years ago

whatsappnomedia commented 10 years ago

This may be useful for someone:

WhatsApp stores the user credentials in a 'pw' file within the sandbox, while the 'me' file contains the Jabber ID. In addition, it stores on the SD card (in "Exteranal Storage/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures/.nomedia") a token that can be used for registration without confirmation via SMS.

Here's a small Python program to get you started:

from pbkdf2 import PBKDF2 from Crypto.Cipher import AES import base64 import time import javaobj import re

sauce1 = '\xc2\x99\x1e\xc2\x9b\x1d\x0c\xc2\xb8\xc3\xb7UdX\xc2\x98\xc2\x92\x03\xc2\x8bE\xc2\x97>x\xc3\x86\xc3\x95' sauce2 = 'S\x16\x0fR\x03\nD\xc2\x83\x10\xc2\x82\xc2\x9a\xc2\x8d\xc2\x8cF:!i)WA'

def do_decode(special_sauce, jabber_id, pw_file_content): salt = pw_file_content[2:6] iv = pw_file_content[6:22] encrypted_key = pw_file_content[22:] file_enc_key = PBKDF2(special_sauce + jabber_id, salt, 16).read(16) crypt =, AES.MODE_OFB, iv) return crypt.decrypt(encrypted_key + '1'*12)[:20]

def decode_pw(mefname, pwfname): jabber_id = javaobj.JavaObjectUnmarshaller(open(mefname)).readObject().jabber_id pw = javaobj.JavaObjectUnmarshaller(open(pwfname)).readObject() pw_file_content = "".join([chr(c) if c>=0 else chr(c+256) for c in pw]) wa_key = do_decode(sauce1, jabber_id, pw_file_content) return base64.b64encode(wa_key)

C = re.compile("^([17]|2[07]|3[0123469]|4[013456789]|5[12345678]|6[0123456]|8[1246]|9[0123458]|\d{3})\d*?(\d{4,6})$")

def decode_nomedia(nomedia, pn, account): g = C.match(pn) e = + jabberid = e + account pw = javaobj.JavaObjectUnmarshaller(open(nomedia)).readObject() pw_file_content = "".join([chr(c) if c>=0 else chr(c+256) for c in pw]) return do_decode(sauce2, jabberid, pw_file_content)

print "%r" % (decode_nomedia(".nomedia", "12125551234", ""),)

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pythonimus commented 10 years ago

Has anyone now successfully decrypted his .nomedia file? And how can I get a new password with this id?

andrh87 commented 10 years ago

Hello guys, respect to everyone who get this to work. Short story: I am working on a website which should have the ability to contact users about new orders per whatsapp... Soooo, everything was fine, since i red that it`s not anymore that easy to login into my account with PHP... after rooting my phone and getting the me, pm and .nomedia files, i tried your script. But i have not really an idea how.

  1. What is this String above what sauce1 and sauce2 contains? Is this the content of the me, pm, .nomedia files? Because i cant really see where the contents are loaded? (i have no idea from python ... thats my first try)
  2. If not, and the files are red in in the lines 20, 21 and 32... where must the files lie? same dir as the script, right?
  3. i saw, @johnstern and @debarko improved something in the script... what exactly is here to do? :)

perhaps someone who made the script run can give me a hint. And does it truly worked then in praxis?

CODeRUS commented 10 years ago

this method is for getting registration without receiving sms. in your case you can just use WART for registration with no problems.

andrh87 commented 10 years ago

ok .......... then ....... i wasted my whole free day ......... :) Thank you a lot CODeRUS !!!! it seems thats exactly what i was looking for!! Thanks really! @CODeRUS

mrstarke commented 10 years ago

You don't need a rooted device to extract your password. You will need adb and a USB cable. Here a simple script to do it. I have tested it on Ubuntu Linux 14.04. Put it on same folder of the python script (call it


adb backup -apk -share com.whatsapp dd if=backup.ab of=compressed-data skip=1 bs=24 printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" | cat - compressed-data | gunzip -c > decompressed.tar tar xf decompressed.tar cp apps/com.whatsapp/f/{me,pw} .

rm -fr apps

echo 'print "%r" % (decode_pw("me", "pw"),)' >> sudo aptitude install python-pbkdf2 sudo aptitude install python-pip sudo pip install javaobj python

Just use the password displayed

mgp25 commented 10 years ago

Also you can use this: Modded apk

ghost commented 10 years ago

Can someone please make a video tutorial for us noobs! PLZ!

mgp25 commented 10 years ago

@Alon84 Is just to run the code with the extracted data... You can also use this: Modded apk

nephilim1973 commented 9 years ago

Probaly it would be possible to post the final version of the python code here with the CODE view (just place 4 spaces in front of each line)

This is a code example line

Much better will be a script in the repository. So all developers could promote some code and we all could share your experience and probably could improve some things better. Regards

ahmadjmal commented 9 years ago

Please.can anyone generate a nomedia file for me. and I will give him my number and my email or,please make a video for this thank you

pythonimus commented 9 years ago

Does the "adb backup -apk -share com.whatsapp" code still work? On my Nexus 5 I get a 1KB file which i cannot decompress.

ahmadjmal commented 9 years ago

@mgp25 I need to registration an old account in whatsapp and I don't have the password .is this way help me now???

jazzominy commented 9 years ago

Has anyone got the password using the script at the top of the page with Python 3.4?

ildar commented 8 years ago

the files layout is changed a bit. pw file is vanished, key file appeared. And both are now "Java serialization data, version 5". Could anybody refresh the script please?

netfiretec commented 5 years ago

Good evening @tgalal, how do I extract the PW Hash from a whatsapp account created in android without performing recovery of the Whatsapp account.

This without using RCKey

luisaugustos commented 5 years ago

This new version with Noise protocol can extract a whatsapp account from Android? I have a lot of accounts in Nox Emulator.