tgalal / yowsup

The WhatsApp lib
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can sombody provide the latest WhatsApp XAP? #75

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'd like to study the Windows Phone version of WhatsApp. I have the XAP files for version 2.8.4

However I'd like to have the latest version. You can download the XAP from the Windows Phone marketplace if you have a Windows Phone, however I don't have one.

Can somebody download it and share it?

Kind regards, Swen

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shirioko commented 11 years ago

Take a look here:

ghost commented 11 years ago

That doesn't seem to work. No search query gives any result.

shirioko commented 11 years ago

I'm on Android right now, but I'm getting an HTC HD2 this sunday so I should be able to get the WP7 app for you in a few days.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Decompiling Phone7Market to see how it works, maybe I can fix it :) If not, I'll have to wait until you have your Windows Phone.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Pff got it :)

That's the XAP for the latest WhatsApp.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Damnn encryption

stv0g commented 11 years ago


But its still encrypted :(

shirioko commented 11 years ago

The XAP is encrypted using Microsoft's DRM mechanism as you may have read above. You'll need a fully unlocked device to extract the contents.

Since I have a fully unlocked device, here are the three relevant DLL files: (unmanaged ARMv7 code, not of much use to most people, contains some critical security stuff though)

Use Reflector or ILSpy to view the source

stv0g commented 11 years ago

@shirioko which version?

Here is veersion 2.8.8:

shirioko commented 11 years ago

version from Marketplace


<App xmlns="" 
Author="WhatsApp Inc." 
Publisher="WhatsApp Inc." 
nuron142 commented 10 years ago

@shirioko How did you extract the contents wp8 xap ? I have a developer unlocked phone but don't know the procedure.

shirioko commented 10 years ago

You need interop unlock