tge-was-taken / p4gpc.modloader

Mod loader for the Steam version of Persona 4 Golden
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P4G PC Mod Loader has incompatibilities with Special K #12

Open AkiraJkr opened 3 years ago

AkiraJkr commented 3 years ago

From Aemony in Special K's Discord, with an explanation on what could be the issue.

_"Well -- all indications point to that Reloaded/P4GPC Mod Loader + SK incompatibility being due to exception thrown in a C# related code -- which SK does not make use of. I've seen exception codes related to out of memory as well as status stack buffer overrun, so no idea what could be behind it, but I'm not surprise to see an incompatibility. Reloaded + the mod loader alone stands for 35 additional DLL files being loaded into the game process alone, with .NET libraries making up an additional 44 DLL files... Comparing Special K's modules.log files with the game + SK vs. the game + SK + Reloaded/P4GPC Mod Loader, there's upwards of 100 more DLL files or so that gets loaded when using the Reloaded/P4GPC Mod Loader... That's... a differnece... :manshrugging: I've even gone through SK's config file and basically disabled any and all hooks and options that might cause incompatibility, as well as tested with DontHookWndProc without success. There doesn't seem to do anything on the SK side of things that can be done to improve compatibility by an end user -- it would basically require Kal(daien) to debug code he isn't responsible to figure out what happens to cause the exception thrown in the C# related DLL files"

I'm sure this would be better handled actively communicating with Special K's devs to find out what's causing this, but I was basically redirected here by Reloaded-II's creator, since it appears the incompatibility is with p4gpc modloader.