tgen / phoenix

Jetstream compatible workflow template supporting comprehensive analysis of human sequencing data against GRCh38
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RNA Fusions: Genomic Validation of Fusions #290

Open snasser opened 4 years ago

snasser commented 4 years ago

Add genomic validation to Phoenix. The plan is to run genomicValidator on star.preliminary parallel to star fusionFilter/Annotator. Tasks: -Test Genomic validation on star preliminary (Sara N) -Add wrapper to convert Star results to Genomic Validation input format -Add/update files for Build38 --Update Process*.py script to read the b38 ENSG refflat --Update script to read the b38 Hugo refflat (RefSeq) --Update has hard coded IG start -stop. This should be modified to read from a file which is build specific. -Identify all combinations of Genome/RNA for fusionValidator -Integrated Star final with genomic validator

-Use ensembl 98 for all testing not gencode31 (SN)

Add a bed file for a specific IGJ_DH, JH, the regions extracted from the new GTF.

snasser commented 4 years ago

@PedalheadPHX Replacing build37 Ig locations with these in genomicValidator. /home/tgenref/homo_sapiens/grch38_hg38/hg38tgen/tool_resources/tgen_lymphocyteReceptor_counts/lymphocyteReceptor_loci.bed

snasser commented 4 years ago

@awchrist We might need to save some preliminary star-fusion files for fusionValidator