Open deepakguptamum opened 6 years ago
Also there are options in the New sub menu items like "Boo file" etc ,i need to exclude them how can i perform the same
And i wanted to add few code in saving how to perform that ?
Can anyone please provide solutions to the above queries
When you want to save something you need to inherit from PersistedDocument and implement the methods as described in the wiki.
To provide a loading functionality you need to implement the IEditorProvider interface. You can see how that is done in the class EditorProvider in the CodeEditor module available in this repo.
I want my existing sub menu items like Boo File, coco file etc in the New menu item to be removed how can I do that
Persisted document I have implemented and resolved it
Put this dirty workaround in some module Initialize override:
(IoC.Get<LanguageDefinitionManager>().LanguageDefinitions as List<ILanguageDefinition>).Clear();
Will it delete all, I want only some. Of them to be deleted
iterate through it and delete depending on their name
Thanks menu and Save one's are resolved now !!! Only left is when we drag an element from toolbox and in graphview ,when any element of the graph is clicked selectionchanged event is fired ,but when that element focus is lost which event is fired can you please let me know
If I understand you correctly, you need to get the LostFocus Event of an element of the Graph?
You have to either add an EventHandler in the ElementItemTemplate in the xaml file and the code behind and then route it to your ViewModel. Or you define a Command in your ViewModel and bind it to LostFocus of the ElementItemTemplate with the System.Windows.Interactivity
library like this.
Can you please help me in providing the sample code for implementing the same
Can you please let me know how to implement in the code
When i click on any element and once i remove the focus from that element or click on Graph or any other button event should be triggered ,how to implement it can you please help me
Can anyone let me know how to implement it
Any update on how to implement the above functionality
hey deep,
i'll get to you within this week with an implementation example, no time atm to write it down and test it in a detailed fashion.
Thank you in advance ,also there is one Request of Number 288 (for adding dropdown in toolbar) ,if you have any idea please let me know how to do
Hi ,Can you please let me know the way to implement
It is Long time and have been not getting any response for the queries for this project ,can anyone update for the queries raised and let me know how to implement
Hi ,I am not getting any response for the queries on this project ,Can anyone let me know
when any element of the graph is clicked selectionchanged event is fired ,but when that element focus is lost which event is fired can you please let me know
Also at the top there is save button(in Menu and ribbon) in Gemini how to enable it ,it is in disable mode
Can you please let me know as soon as possible
Thank you