tgjones / gemini

Gemini is an IDE framework similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. It uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on Caliburn Micro.
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How to find out whether the Tool is Docked as a Document? #307

Open JobaDiniz opened 5 years ago

JobaDiniz commented 5 years ago

Within my ToolViewModel, how do I know if the tool is docked as a Document? Or if it is floating for example?

I made a tweak in the LayoutInitializer. I've changed PaneLocation enum, adding Floating and Document options:

public void AfterInsertAnchorable(LayoutRoot layout, LayoutAnchorable anchorableShown)
            // If this is the first anchorable added to this pane, then use the preferred size.
            var tool = anchorableShown.Content as ITool;
            if (tool != null)
                var anchorablePane = anchorableShown.Parent as LayoutAnchorablePane;
                if (anchorablePane != null && anchorablePane.ChildrenCount == 1)
                    switch (tool.PreferredLocation)
                        case PaneLocation.Left:
                        case PaneLocation.Right:
                            anchorablePane.DockWidth = new GridLength(tool.PreferredWidth, GridUnitType.Pixel);
                        case PaneLocation.Bottom:
                            anchorablePane.DockHeight = new GridLength(tool.PreferredHeight, GridUnitType.Pixel);
                        case PaneLocation.Floating:
                                anchorableShown.FloatingHeight = tool.PreferredHeight;
                                anchorableShown.FloatingWidth = tool.PreferredWidth;

                                var window = Application.Current.MainWindow;
                                var screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle);
                                anchorableShown.FloatingTop = (screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2d) - (anchorableShown.FloatingHeight / 2d);
                                anchorableShown.FloatingLeft = (screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2d) - (anchorableShown.FloatingWidth / 2d);
                        case PaneLocation.Document:
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

However, MVVM in Avalon is fairly difficult, so I couldn't figure it out how to find out whether my ToolViewModel is docked as document.

Any insights?

Dirkster99 commented 5 years ago

Here is an insight: