tgpfeiffer / restful-openerp

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OpenERP v7 #8

Open agb80 opened 11 years ago

agb80 commented 11 years ago

Is this compatible with OpenERP v7?

tgpfeiffer commented 11 years ago

I haven't tested OpenERP v7 yet, don't know about the changes they made to the XML-RPC interface. In general, restful-openerp is independent of the particular object model in the database, so newly added fields etc. shouldn't be a problem...

agb80 commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the info, we are considering using this to solve the need for a customer to put together with OpenCart, later I let you know how it goes.

tgpfeiffer commented 11 years ago

That would be great! Please note that this project is developed in a "feature added when needed" way, so in particular a number of things (such as DELETE or more complicated workflows) are not implemented yet. Also I'd be happy about patches (AGPL license) or any other feedback.

shomy4 commented 9 years ago

First of all i would like to thank you for this program.It's really nicely written. But you see i am using openERP v7 and when im sending GET requests it is working good, But when im sending POST request and one of the fields is one2many i have a problem. This is xml im trying to post:

             <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                 <pa:pio_address xmlns:pa="http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/schema" >
                   <pa:id />
                   <pa:city type='char'>Mladenovac</pa:city>
                   <pa:name type='text'>11400 Mladenovac, Masarikova 7</pa:name>
                   <pa:country type='many2one' relation='http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/survey.type'>
                       <link href='/pio_novi48/survey.type/5' />
                 <pa:full_address type='text'>11400 BJELOVAR, Masarikova 7</pa:full_address>
                 <pa:postal_code type='char'>11400</pa:postal_code>
                 <pa:address type='char'>Masarikova 7</pa:address>

and various rest clients are showing me this error: invalid XML:

:7:0:ERROR:RELAXNGV:RELAXNG_ERR_EXTRACONTENT: Element country has extra content: link If you know the answer i would be really gratefull if you could help me. Thanks in advance
tgpfeiffer commented 9 years ago

@shomy4 What you see is a validation error because (according to the schema of pio.address), the element <pa:country> should not contain any links to other objects. Are you sure that you have defined country as a many2one relation to survey? Can you post the contents of the GET output on that same resource? You may have to define a root namespace that defines the <link> element, too.

shomy4 commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer. Here is response for this url: http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/156 Response:

                 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                   <entry xmlns="">
                   <title type="text">43000 BJELOVAR, Masarikova 7</title>
                  <link href="http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/156" rel="self" />
                     <content type="application/vnd.openerp+xml">
                     <pa:pio_address xmlns:pa="http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/schema">
                      <pa:city type='char'>BJELOVAR</pa:city>
                      <pa:name type='text'>43000 BJELOVAR, Masarikova 7</pa:name>
                       <pa:country type='many2one' relation='http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/survey.type'>
                       <link href='http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/survey.type/5' />
                     <pa:full_address type='text'>43000 BJELOVAR, Masarikova 7</pa:full_address>
                    <pa:postal_code type='char'>43000</pa:postal_code>
                   <pa:address type='char'>Masarikova 7</pa:address>
tgpfeiffer commented 9 years ago

I see. So, in the GET response, you see <link> without a prefix, but actually it is in the namespace (see the xmlns declaration in the <entry> element). It needs to be the same in your POST body. Try to modify the link you post to

<link xmlns='' href='/pio_novi48/survey.type/5' />
shomy4 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Now it's not complaining and row is inserted in database but without country field, and im positive there is survey.type with id=5. The GET response of newly created object is:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              <entry xmlns="">
<title type="text">11400 Mladenovac, Masarikova 7</title>
<link href="http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/184" rel="self" />
<content type="application/vnd.openerp+xml">
<pa:pio_address xmlns:pa="http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/pio.address/schema">
<pa:city type='char'>Mladenovac</pa:city>
<pa:name type='text'>11400 Mladenovac, Masarikova 7</pa:name>
<pa:country type='many2one' relation='http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/survey.type'><!-- False --></pa:country>
<pa:full_address type='text'>11400 Mladenovac, Masarikova 7</pa:full_address>
<pa:postal_code type='char'>11400</pa:postal_code>
<pa:address type='char'>Masarikova 7</pa:address>
tgpfeiffer commented 9 years ago

I had a looked at the code (specifically and I think the href must contain the full link, not just the path. Try

<link xmlns='' href='http://localhost:8068/pio_novi48/survey.type/5' />
shomy4 commented 9 years ago

Sir, Thank you very much. :+1:

shomy4 commented 9 years ago

Hello, I have tried to add support for binary field, because i haven't found it in your code. In your method __addToCollection i added 2 more lines: elif c.attrib["type"] == "binary": fields[tagname] = base64.b64encode(c.text) and this is the error i am getting: "cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled" I found someplace that this solves the error, but i cannot find the part where i can insert this code: sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:' + port + '/xmlrpc/common', allow_none=True) Can you help me with support for binary field? Thanks in advance.

shomy4 commented 9 years ago

I 've managed to do it. In Proxy constructor i added this allowNone=True. Thanks anyway. :)