tgrey1 / Flex-Cabbage

Flex Cabbage - A system for easy and flexible Cabbage effect and instrument development
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Make gui elements non-automatable for DAWs #58

Open tgrey1 opened 3 years ago

tgrey1 commented 3 years ago added the ability to make widgets not report as automatable to the DAW, while still responding to signals from csound with automatable(0) . This is perfect for GUI elements.

Tracking the elements that need this flag as I think of them, and marking ones as done once they're changed and tested: filt reset popup, toggle, all, none, done all filt reset modes test audio and test midi buttons and controls flexpan mode shaper popup, reset (or should reset be allowed?), and done buttons flexfx tab buttons effects that allow pre/post filter selection comboboxes (impulsive or delayed for example)