tgrey1 / Flex-Cabbage

Flex Cabbage - A system for easy and flexible Cabbage effect and instrument development
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UDO for midi notenum to named note #65

Open tgrey1 opened 2 years ago

tgrey1 commented 2 years ago

for example: 47 = B3

ideas for this in handpan prototype...

tgrey1 commented 2 years ago

or was it B2? double check that too!

tgrey1 commented 2 years ago

Initial concept... looks like it has octaves right (at least to coincide with cabbage)!

opcode MidiNNToName,S,i iMidiNoteNumIn xin SNoteNames[] = fillarray( "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ) iOctave = ceil(((iMidiNoteNumIn-11) / 12) - 2) iName = iMidiNoteNumIn % 12 xout sprintf("%s%d ",SNoteNames[iName],iOctave) endop