tgsiva / Products-Buying

B2B E-Commerce Web Development
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Supplier Module Development #13

Open tgsiva opened 7 years ago

manimegalatavva commented 7 years ago

1.Add supplier in new insert page created. 2.Add sullpier in new view page created.

Deepa-Vimal commented 7 years ago

Insert supplier and view supplier , and update supplier are done. Try to create popover yet not completed

Deepa-Vimal commented 7 years ago

validation correction were done on add supplier

manimegalatavva commented 7 years ago

1.New supplier page created.(topmenu,headermenu,submenus).

manimegalatavva commented 7 years ago

1Product buying suppliers in all suppliers,approval,members plans cre created.

Deepa-Vimal commented 7 years ago

Add Supplier page validation, (email exists or not) database exist or not checking through jquery validator plugin. but not working properly.