tgstation / tgstation

The /tg/station branch of SS13.
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Taking walking mushrooms up and down Z-levels deletes their cap #84562

Open luxidoptera opened 1 week ago

luxidoptera commented 1 week ago

Issue Summary

For some reason, this walking mushroom I took into the bar on Icebox (who originally had a bright magenta cap) completely lost their cap when I took them into the lower level of the bar. Bringing them back upstairs didn't give them the cap back. Horrible.


The walking mushroom in question is present in this image wherein you can see they had a cap prior:


Round ID:

231466 (Campbell)




Obtain a walking mushroom in some way. (I got mine through a random vent blockage event.) Bring it to any stairwell. Attempt to bring it down/up stairs. Watch as this poor mushroom's cap is instantaneously ripped away from it.

luxidoptera commented 1 week ago

Update: upon me deciding to mercy-kill this poor thing, it regained its cap.
