thSoft / elysium

LilyPond IDE for Eclipse
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Compiler preference page with project specific settings #127

Open nittka opened 8 years ago

nittka commented 8 years ago

Xtext's default compiler preference page supports project specific settings. The use case I have in mind is "stable" project you use as snippet repository and one you actively work on. For the latter you may want LilyPond compilation on save, for the former no compilation at all. (However, this is not an urgent issue, as the Recompile functionality achieves almost the same)

nittka commented 8 years ago

@thSoft: It may be easier to include the syntax updater options as a subsection of the compiler preferences rather than keeping a separate preference page. That way, implementing project specific settings works for both without any additional effort. Two more check boxes do not make any significant difference...

thSoft commented 8 years ago

+1: a frequent use case is that you edit two projects simultaneously: a large project where you prefer manual compilation and a small one where automatic compilation is preferred. Merging the two preference pages clearly simplifies things for the developers, however, I'm afraid it will get too cluttered for the users. If there are other users out there: what do you think?

nittka commented 8 years ago

That's why suggested subsections - like in the validation preference page or the Xtend compiler preferences. Using them, cluttering should not be a problem.

thSoft commented 8 years ago

Yes, subsections would be fine. :)