thackl / gggenomes

A grammar of graphics for comparative genomics
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Calculate coordinates from gff file with genes in different directions #186

Open cabraham03 opened 6 months ago

cabraham03 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I’m using the read_feats function to import gff files generated with prokka, and then use the coordinates from some genes to generate a plot, nevertheless some of those genes are in different direction. It is possible to calculate the position of the obtained coordinates for multiples genes using the data.frame generated with read_feats function ??

Example of the 2 genes and 2 genomes. I just import the gff files, all in GFFdf (data.frame) and filter the genes that I want to plot

df_genes <- filter(GFFdf, file_id %in% c("GENOME300", "GENOME320") & gene %in% c("geneA", "geneC") 
df_genes <- df_genes[, c("file_id", "seq_id", "start", "end", "strand", "type", "feat_id", "locus_tag", "gene")]
df_genes <- df_genes |> mutate( orientation = paste0(strand, 1) |> as.integer())
    file_id      seq_id  start    end strand type        feat_id      locus_tag  gene orientation
1 GENOME300 GENOME300_1 206268 206663      +  CDS IMEHDJCA_00193 IMEHDJCA_00193 geneC           1
2 GENOME300 GENOME300_1 206686 222306      +  CDS IMEHDJCA_00194 IMEHDJCA_00194 geneA           1
3 GENOME320 GENOME320_8 123699 139310      -  CDS ILCJGNBA_01570 ILCJGNBA_01570 geneA          -1
4 GENOME320 GENOME320_8 139333 139728      -  CDS ILCJGNBA_01571 ILCJGNBA_01571 geneC          -1

the plot:


I just want to calculate the start and end position for the geneA and geneC in GENOME320 in the same direction of the GENOME300 !!!

any suggestion ??? Thanks

thackl commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure I fully understand. Do you want to plot them in the same orientation? Or why do you want to calculate their start and end?

For plotting you can use to change the orientations of the contigs (and genes with it).

Something like the following should work

gggenomes(df_genes) |>
  flip(GENOME320) +

Is that what you meant?