thadunge2 / AIDungeon

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Windows line endings and nonexecutable files, Linux problem. #61

Open mysliwy112 opened 4 years ago

mysliwy112 commented 4 years ago, and other script files have Windows line endings making headers in them pointless. This also means that they are impossible to run without explicitly mentioning program in command line. They are also marked as nonexecutable making it even more tedious to run.

Diskmaster commented 4 years ago will probably be of some use here.

As for the executable side of things, I believe this works (use git bash in the repository folder to do this if you don't have the command available in normal command prompt):

chmod 755
chmod 755 (insert desired filename here)

chmod 644 (default linux permissions for non executables)

Edit: English failure in line 4. Need more coffee.

mysliwy112 commented 4 years ago

Ya thanks, but I've already tried it (Yeah, I know, should've mentioned it earlier, sorry) and it didn't work for me. It's probably more for updating repository than local files. As for executable statement at least I won't be using 777. But I don't know how it's going to behave when updating the game.