Open campbellr opened 5 years ago
I have the same issue in Vim 8.0.1453
Me too. Have an issues with yaml.ansible
My guess is that the issue affects any syntax file that uses \s
On NeoVIM v0.5.0:
syn match fooComment "^\s*#.*$"
hi def link fooComment Comment
call plug#begin()
Plug 'thaerkh/vim-indentguides'
call plug#end()
With --noplugin
From what I can tell, the line causing this issue is My best guess for now would be that yaml syntax (and which is affected as well by this) condiders whitespace at the start of a line as part of a match they are trying to make, when they shouldn't and are affected by the whitespace being in a pattern match already
Adding yaml and any other affected syntax to the ignore is what I'm doing for now.
let g:indentguides_ignorelist = ['yaml', 'toml']
It's not ideal because I lose indent guides on an indent dependent syntax but it's better than no syntax highlighting.
Also I don't think this plugin can punt the issue upstream, since these issue syntax definitions are bundled with vim (at least for me). Someone will have to have some sort of clever solution in this plugin.
I recently started using this plugin (and love it), but I noticed that for some reason when I have this plugin enabled it breaks the syntax highlighting in yaml files.
indentguides enabled:
indentguides disabled:
I thought this might be a neovim-specific issue, but I also see it on vim 8.0.1365.