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Suggestion for the Bookworm guide 'journalctl' section #29

Closed gitbls closed 10 months ago

gitbls commented 10 months ago

I'd suggest adding a few journalctl aliases to section 5.1. These obviously aren't complete, but will help people move forward instead of reflexively installing rsyslog.

For example:

    alias jc='journalctl --boot'         #Pager journal of current boot
    alias jca='journalctl'               #Undecorated journalctl operates on all boots, not just current boot
    alias jcf='journalctl --follow'      #Follow end of journal
    alias jcg='journalctl --boot --grep' #From current boot for specified message string
    alias jcr='journalctl --list-boots'  #List all the system boots

To look at the log from the previous boot, one would do sudo jc -1. More generally, to look at the Nth previous boot, sudo jc -N

Martin-Buchholz commented 10 months ago

sudo does not work with aliases! aliases are rarely a good idea, because they don't compose well with other commands.

In my youth I used to create shortcuts for myself like these, but eventually learned they were more trouble than they're worth.

journalctl has its own builtin shortcuts - journalctl -b ; journalctl -f ; that should be enough for almost anyone.

gitbls commented 10 months ago

Ah, fair point. I guess I just exposed how I use journalctl. 🙄

thagrol commented 10 months ago

Sorry guys but this one is not going to be implimented. Updates to this guide are bery low priority at least for the forseeable future.