thaider / Tweeki

MediaWiki skin based on Twitter's Bootstrap
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Mysterious parsing in navbar messages #191

Closed sneakers-the-rat closed 3 years ago

sneakers-the-rat commented 3 years ago

What do you suppose is going on here...

Screen Shot 2021-03-25 at 9 30 58 PM

Where Minutes, the name of a page, is parsed as $1 minutes whenever it is by itself. If i modify it at all like \Minutes or etc. then it prints as expected, but then no longer links to the [[Minutes]] page. Doesn't matter what position it is in the list. Doesn't happen when linked normally. I would suspect some misapplied semantic parser or something but... it's dollars.. for minutes...

don't know what other information you need from me on this, lmk, but i'm pretty baffled.

thaider commented 3 years ago

The reason is that there's a message with the name „Minutes“. Tweeki's button syntax parser looks, if messages exist and if so, replaces the original string. See the documentation for workarounds...

sneakers-the-rat commented 3 years ago

aha! thank you :) I was hunting around the docs looking for a description of the syntax for messages, didn't think to look on the buttons page! This seems like an edge case, but might be worth giving a link at the top of the messages docs saying 'for more details about the syntax to specify buttons within messages, see here' to avoid having to deal with pesky issues like these ;) Love the skin btw!