thaider / Tweeki

MediaWiki skin based on Twitter's Bootstrap
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Improve documentation on navigation #97

Open gtbu opened 7 years ago

gtbu commented 7 years ago

As a beginner with tweeki (before i used cavendish skin ) but not with css or mediawiki i tried to create two sidebars with $wgTweekiSkinGridBoth = array(... , and with ../index.php/MediaWiki:Tweeki-sidebar-right But what can i insert there that does not appear as a blue button ? - in need some texts also . All my texts in the sidebars appears darkblue - how can i change that. Bootstrap dropdown-snippets dont function.

Could You please explain the a bit more detailled for newbies in Your site with code-examples.

...and specially also how to insert the dropdowns in the header (simple text is ok - but dropdowns). /index.php/MediaWiki:Tweeki-navbar etc. ...what must i insert there as example. Normal bootstrap-code creates a chaos!

[[:Kategorie:Test]] doesnt help either.

thaider commented 7 years ago

Hi @gtbu . I'm trying my best with the documentation, but doing this right is quite challenging – so any help is really appreciated!

Most important clue maybe: in navigational sections (like navbar-left) you can use

To get a dropdown see the documentation for buttons, it would be something like

Dropdown Heading,*First Link,*Second Link

If you want to add random non-button text to a navigational section you would have to use the (poorly documented) $wgTweekiSkinSpecialElements configuration option to define your own custom navigational element. See this comment for an example on how to do this.

I'll keep this issue open to remind me of amending the documentation in these regards as soon as I have more time on my hands...

rebastion commented 1 year ago

I think your documentation is pretty solid, my friend :) One easy thing that could be improved on your official website for this skin is to consolidate all the documentation, as bits and pieces are found in difference places and it takes sometimes a bit deeper search on the website to find all the things necessary