thalesmello / webcomplete.vim

A plugin for Vim that completes words from your browser
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Firefox #4

Open kimat opened 7 years ago

kimat commented 7 years ago

I just got it more or less working with firefox here: I'll probably not send a pull request since, and just rename it, since both implemations diverge so much, it will probably be hard to maintain them in a single repo.

thalesmello commented 7 years ago

@kimat How do you generate the ff_current_words file?

In the end, I feel like doing something generic for all the browsers.

kimat commented 7 years ago

I just updated the auto command in vimperator. It should be working better now.

kimat commented 7 years ago

ff_current_source is generated by vimperator

thalesmello commented 7 years ago

@kimat does it need a specific type of configuration? Or vimperator does it by default?

kimat commented 7 years ago

@thalesmello please check the for the setup

Mte90 commented 6 years ago

I was looking for the firefox support because in the readme of this project is not explained but luckly there is another repo for that!

The problem is that the other repo has the issues closed so is not possible to report that vimperator is not available anymore in firefox as example.

kimat commented 6 years ago

@Mte90 what other repo are you referring to ?

Mte90 commented 6 years ago

To your repo :-)

kimat commented 6 years ago

@Mte90 it never worked that great and with vimperator not working with ff anymore, I guess I would need to adapt it for e.g. tridactyl or maybe have a dedicated plugin.

Mte90 commented 6 years ago

I think that is possible to achieve what do you need with a browser extension compatible with firefox/chrome that use native messaging (a binary program) to save the output in a file.

balta2ar commented 6 years ago

browser extension compatible with firefox/chrome that use native messaging (a binary program)

Please pardon my unsolicited advertisement, but FWIW, this is exactly what I did in my web extension + corresponding python client: It's not really user-friendly in terms of installation and the hospitality of the README, but if you manage to get through, you should be fine. There are several use cases I had in mind when I worked on it, the most important are:

And probably others. Basically it was supposed to be a tool to somehow manage and get around the sh-tload of tabs that I usually have open (close to 1000 tabs in total).

Mic92 commented 6 years ago

@balta2ar cool stuff, have you ever tried to make your extension available on

Mte90 commented 6 years ago

Maybe you can do what the project of @kimat need, the output of the page focused so we can reuse it.

balta2ar commented 6 years ago

@Mic92 I did submit it to addons.mozilla so that I could install signed extension just once but I didn't make it public. Currently I have to add a temporary extension each time I reboot Firefox, which is a bit annoying. Yeah, I should probably go public with it, it just hasn't met the required level of standards that I had in my mind. Okay, guys, I see that there is demand for it so hopefully it will motivate me to make progress with it. I'll keep you posted.

Mic92 commented 6 years ago

@balta2ar I also have a web-extension in non-public there because I was too lazy to make screenshots for the mozilla code review. It is also possible to submit them there unlisted, but still signed.

kimat commented 6 years ago

@Mte90 I managed to make my fork work reasonably well using marionette_driver again which doesn't steal focus anymore.

balta2ar commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, I've published the extension and python module. Install instructions are here: At the moment, only Firefox extension is published, if you need chrome/chromium, manual installation is required.

After you install it (the extension, brotab client and manifests using bt install), you can retrieve words from the currently active browser tab using bt words command, which you can put into this script, for example Here is an example for ncm2 Source:

thalesmello commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your awesome work @kimat

I've linked your fork in the README of the project.

I'll leave this issue open because I would like to eventually converge solutions, having a single plugin handle all the major browsers.

balta2ar commented 6 years ago

Just a quick heads up: I published Chrome/Chromium extension (see the Installation link above).