thaliproject / Thali_CordovaPlugin

Thali p2p plugin
MIT License
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Thali: uncaught promise rejection, error: 'Error: ETIMEDOUT' #1922

Closed lesn1kk closed 7 years ago

lesn1kk commented 7 years ago


2017-06-28 07:45:23 - DEBUG thaliPeerPoolDefault: 'Replication action error:   No activity time out'
2017-06-28 07:45:23 - DEBUG thaliPeerPoolDefault: 'Replication action resolved'
2017-06-28 07:45:23 - DEBUG thaliReplicationPeerAction: 'Got error on replication -  500 socket hang up -1'
2017-06-28 07:45:23 - DEBUG thaliReplicationPeerAction: 'We called _complete with error: socket hang up -1  but this is a second call and so we ignored it'
[ThaliCore] TCPListener.socket(_:didAcceptNewSocket:)
[ThaliCore] BrowserRelay.createVirtualSocket(with:)
[ThaliCore] Session.startOutputStream(with:) peer:9451A231-C9CD-43FB-A48A-EC367210A8C7:12
[ThaliCore] Session.session(_:didReceive:withName:fromPeer:) peer:9451A231-C9CD-43FB-A48A-EC367210A8C7:12
[ThaliCore] VirtualSocket.init(inputStream:outputStream:)
[ThaliCore] BrowserRelay.didOpenVirtualSocketStreamsHandler
uncaught promise rejection, error: 'Error: ETIMEDOUT', stack: 'Request.prototype.start/self.timeoutTimer<@/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/25FE27DD-2711-4FF9-94C4-92FB5D98587A/
process exited, code: '2', signal: 'undefined'

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lesn1kk commented 7 years ago

It might be because we are using in ThaliTestApp old PouchDB version 5.4.5. When I switched to 6.2.0, it worked without any crashes for reasonable amount of time. Closing for now.

enricogior commented 6 years ago

@mlesnic what about pushing the updated version number to the master_update_build_for_xcode8 branch?