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Issue 201 lock #209

Closed cakirke closed 8 years ago

cakirke commented 9 years ago

address #201 - support additional File::NFSLock capabilities, stale lock expiry, errstr in thrown exceptions - will include lock holders in next version of File::NFSLock

thaljef commented 9 years ago

I suppose stealing "stale" lockfiles is pretty common, so I'm ok with this. But it makes me a bit nervous. Personally, I would only want to steal a lockfile if I knew the current holder was dead and/or I gave permission to steal it (it seems that setting the stale timeout is tantamount to giving permission). Would it be prudent to issue a warning when this happens?

thaljef commented 9 years ago

Note: SQLite has its own locks, so that gives us a bit of a safety net.

cakirke commented 9 years ago

+1 on nervous, agree on setting environment = acknowledgement/permission but an appropriate message wouldn't hurt

thaljef commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I thought this was included in the 0.09998 release, but it appears that I never merged it.