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Can't install simple modules in 5.22 #213

Closed akarelas closed 9 years ago

akarelas commented 9 years ago

pinto install Try::Tiny (a module with no dependencies), gives:

karjala@test-vm:~$ pinto install Try::Tiny
\C is deprecated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(\C <-- HERE )/ at /home/karjala/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/URI/ line 205.
Overwriting existing sub 'List::AllUtils::any' with sub 'any' exported by List::MoreUtils at /home/karjala/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/List/ line 15.
Overwriting existing sub 'List::AllUtils::all' with sub 'all' exported by List::MoreUtils at /home/karjala/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/List/ line 15.
Overwriting existing sub 'List::AllUtils::none' with sub 'none' exported by List::MoreUtils at /home/karjala/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/List/ line 15.
Overwriting existing sub 'List::AllUtils::notall' with sub 'notall' exported by List::MoreUtils at /home/karjala/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/List/ line 15.
No changes were made
--> Working on Try::Tiny
Fetching file:///home/karjala/repo/stacks/master/authors/id/P/PE/PERIGRIN/HTTP-Thin-UserAgent-0.011.tar.gz ... OK
Configuring HTTP-Thin-UserAgent-0.011 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Web::Scraper, HTTP::Thin, JSON::Any, MooX::late, Test::Requires::Env, Throwable::Factory, Moo, Import::Into, Try::Tiny, HTTP::Request::Common
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'HTTP::Request::Common' is not installed, Module 'Try::Tiny' is not installed, Module 'Test::Requires::Env' is not installed, Module 'Throwable::Factory' is not installed, Module 'MooX::late' is not installed, Module 'Import::Into' is not installed, Module 'Moo' is not installed, Module 'JSON::Any' is not installed, Module 'HTTP::Thin' is not installed, Module 'Web::Scraper' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for HTTP-Thin-UserAgent-0.011.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
thaljef commented 9 years ago

Stratopan thinks that Try::Tiny is provided by HTTP-Thin-UserAgent-0.011, because it was shipped with an unauthorized version of Try::Tiny inside a local/lib directory. I can fix it this evening.

thaljef commented 9 years ago

This was fixed by re-indexing modules on Stratopan using a newer version of Dist::Metadata that ignores files in the t/, xt/, inc/, and local/ directories. However, the warnings seen above are related to #212 and are not resolved.